Commitment to sustainability

At West Lend, we are deeply committed to sustainability and recognize our responsibility to protect the environment and the communities we serve. Our commitment to sustainability is not just a statement; it’s a fundamental part of our business philosophy. We believe that sustainable practices benefit not only our planet but also our customers and future generations.

Help us transform the way we consume fashion by challenging overconsumption habits. With a more affordable and inclusive approach to enjoying “new” fashion, we hope to create a self-sustaining and conscious community of fashion lovers. We’re making sustainable fashion more accessible and prolonging the life cycle of quality designer items.

Rental services of formal wear have the potential to reduce the life cycle environmental impact compared to the conventional ownership model of consumption. 

90% of the carbon footprint of an item happens in the production phase. By renting an item you have the opportunity to split the production produced carbon over every person that is wearing it.

On average, per rental garment, Rent the Runway estimates a 24% reduction in water usage, a 6% reduction in energy usage, and a 3% reduction in CO2 emissions, in comparison to buying new. 


We are dedicated to reducing waste and conserving resources. We actively promote practices such as recycling, reusing, and minimizing packaging to decrease our impact on the environment.

Our cardboard boxes and garment bags are responsibly sourced using eco-friendly and recyclable materials which we request that our customers return to us for further use. Similarly, our garment bags are intended to be returned by customers to West Lend for an extendable life cycle.

We aim to engage in our local and global communities. We support initiatives and organizations that align with our values and promote sustainability, education, and social responsibility.

For More Information about Fashion Rental and Sustainability:

Got Rental? Rent the Runway’s LCA Study Touts 1.3M Clothes Saved From Landfill –

According to the environmental group Wrap, one in eight people buy a new item of clothing each week while a quarter of the clothes we own haven’t been worn in a year –

Access the Vestiaire 2023 Impact Report